Well, it's only 5 days until I fly so it's time that I sorted out all the little niggles of the bike, like how the headset is locking in the forward position and the brakes feel like they are made of sponge.
]---[ here's my trusty spanner and I've loosened the headset a little, there we are turning smoothly once again! Now which brake pads to get....
Next, I need to dismantle my flight deck as i've got light brackets on there from lights long since stolen, and do I really need a speed-o? probably not so that'll come off too. She could probably do with a clean as well but I don't want her to look too nice in case someone decides that she's worth stealing.
My bike bag arrived yesterday! I had it delivered to work as when the bell rings on Friday I'm going directly to New York. It's this one: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380339532629&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBSA:GB:1123#ht_2147wt_1195 this was the cheapest good one I could find! Pockets for the wheels, padded, without getting a proper hard cased one this is as much protection as you're gonna get really.
I've also borrowed a camera off my mum to take with as I don't have a good one as I've just been using my phone for the last few years.
Ok, right now I need to start doing some serious clothes washing, as I haven't done any for about three weeks and I can't turn up in NYC smelling like a cycling shoe. Catch you later.
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